Hazel's Birthmother

Thanks for taking the time and interest to read what I have to say about my amazing experience not only with adoption but with two of the most amazing people I have ever met! When first finding out I was pregnant I immediately began thinking of what things I would need to provide a life for this baby. My mind constantly going a million miles an hour and wanting to drive to the store and start purchasing diapers when I was hardly two months along. Sleepless nights, endless tears, and fear after fear. Driving down the road one day I had a thought come to mind of adoption. Sobbing I had to pull over and thought for a very long time when Rascal Flatt's song (My Wish) came on the radio. And I knew no matter what I was capable of I was not capable of being a mom, dad, and FULL provider for this baby. So began our journey of fate, triumph, love, and fear of unknowing.

The events that took place following the next months were unbelievable at times but I have never had that much peace in my life. Sara and Isaac were more than understanding and sympathetic to every wish, request, and thing I needed plus some. This journey is the most amazing one that a person can take in this life and there is not one minute that I would trade what we have experienced together in order to make sure that Hazel has THE best life ever.

If you are wondering what kind of parents Isaac and Sara are I can tell you the BEST! I have thoroughly enjoyed our very open relationship and being able to watch Hazel grow and learn with more support than a lot of kids receive. I can't wait to see Hazel's siblings be united and share that feeling of love and adoption together.

If you should have any more personal questions or concerns about anything please feel free to contact me I love adoption and I love Sara&Isaac SO SO SO very much that it brings tears to my eyes constantly. email me at- arliannep@hotmail.com

Remember just when it feels like the end it could be just your very own beginning! :)

best of WISHes,